
I support a carbon free future for New York.

If anything, this past year has underscored the importance of disaster preparedness. While the proposed plan for decarbonization sets New York up to be a national leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, there’s still a lot of work to be done to stop climate change. We need to use every tool at our disposal.

New York ISO's carbon pricing proposal is the most impactful and achievable way of meeting our Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act (CLCPA) goals faster and more cost effectively. In concert with other climate change policies and environmental justice reforms, the NYISO carbon pricing proposal will reduce the money and time needed to achieve our state’s goal of 100 percent carbon-free electricity while improving public health.

New Yorkers need to have reliable, accessible information on carbon pricing and its impact to their lives and budgets. Sign this petition to urge the Department of Public Service to conduct and release an analysis on the ratepayer impacts of NYISO's carbon pricing to clearly outline its benefits.